Signs of Anxiety in Your Dog and What to Do About It

It’s hard to see your dog suffer in any way. You want to do everything you can to provide him a healthy, happy, pain-free life. Taking your dog for regular visits to the vet and keeping all his shots and medication up to date will help prevent many health problems.

But some issues aren’t as easy to spot. Many dogs suffer from anxiety. Though there isn’t a test the vet can run to test for this – there are things you can watch for and steps you can take to help your overly anxious dog.

Anxious Dog

Signs of Anxiety:

  • Shaking or panting
  • Hyper vigilante
  • Lots of barking or howling
  • Messing on the floor even though they’re housebroken and usually don’t have accidents
  • Aggressiveness – also a normally calm down can become aggressive is they’re nervous and anxious
  • Being destructive
  • Trying to escape

How to help your dog deal with anxiety and stress

Make sure he’s getting plenty of exercises.

Put on some calming music; this can help if your dog suffers from separation anxiety. When you leave the house make sure some peaceful music is playing.

If your dog is listening to thunder, it can help to cover the sound of the storm with a noise machine or even the television.

If your dog is scared during storms, you might try a thunder jacket. It doesn’t work for all dogs, but many dog trainers swear by them. It wraps tightly around your dog giving them a feeling of security.

Distract your dog with a fun game. If your dog is jumpy due to fireworks outside, try throwing his favorite toy or ball and see if a game of fetch can get his mind on something besides though loud noises.

DAP – Dog Appeasing Pheromone a synthetic scent similar to what a momma dog is nursing her pup releases. It can effectively calm puppies but not always adult dogs. You can buy a plug-in diffuser that releases the scent.

What Not to Do

Pet owners who love their dogs never want to see them suffering. So when they see them stressed over a storm, the first instinct is to pick them up, cuddle them, and offer words of comfort. Strange as it may seem, that is not always the best approach. By doing so, you’re reinforcing his fear that something is wrong.

Why would his owner be making such a big deal about the situation unless something was genuinely wrong?

Instead, pick up your dog and sit down and watch television or some other regular activity. Let him know that life is going on as usual and there is nothing to fear.

Do not get angry at your dog or punish him. He can’t help his feeling of fear and get upset at him will only make things worse. It will increase his level of stress and harm your relationship with your pet.

Carry on normal activities to show all is well.

If you’re not able to calm your dog, talk to your vet. In severe cases, medications can be given.

Have You Tried an Anti-Anxiety Soothing Bed for Your Dog?

You've probably seen these nice-looking, comfy beds around online. But did you realize they are very soothing for dogs who suffer from anxiety? They keep your tucked into the bed cozily, so it has a calming effect, similar to being close to their mother as a puppy. This can have great benefits in relieving anxiety symptoms.

Symptom of Canine Anxiety Can Be Relieved by an Anti-Anxiety Soothing Dog Bed

To find out more about how these beds work, read our Anti-Anxiety Soothing Dog Bed Review here.

Written By

Melissa Maxwell

Melissa is a dog lover who enjoys sharing smart dog tips, inspirational stories and the joy that dogs bring. Follow us on social media for even more dog fun!



  1. Avatar
    LisaBeth KaminskiAugust 21, 2019

    You use alot of tomatoes in your recipes and I have read and heard from my Vet that Tomatoes could be toxic to dogs? Please let me know

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      Susanne JamiesonNovember 29, 2019

      Ripe tomatoes, used in moderation, are generally fine. But please do follow what your vet says.


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