Please Enjoy Your Free Coloring Pages

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But Before You Go, Here's Your Chance to Get the Complete Kids Love Dogs Printable Activity Set and We'll Donate $2 from Each Download to Support Dog Rescue
Here's a peek and how it works...

It's perfect printable package for families who love dogs and need activity ideas to spark creativity, personal development and keep boredom away for their children.
The package includes a number of goodies including:
* Happy Dog Island Coloring Book Journal Volume 1
* Happy Dog Island Coloring Book Journal Volume 2
* Happy Dog Island Naughty Dogs Coloring Book Volume 1
* Happy Dog Island Naughty Dogs Coloring Book Volume 2
* 235 Fun and Educational At-Home Activities for Kids
* 10 Easy Mazes
* 10 Easy Word Search Puzzles
* 10 Math Squares
* Super Star Dog Sticker Sheet
* I Love Dogs Sticker Sheet
* Super Star Dog Sticker Note Cards
* I Love Dogs Note Cards
* 31 Fun At-Home Activities for the Family with 12 Bonus Activities to Do with Your Dog
We've included hours upon hours...even days and days of fun. Get yours now and $1 will go directly to support dog rescue organizations and we'll also be able to continue to invest in education and awareness through our community.

Go grab that for tons of fun and we'll be in touch again soon to keep you up-to-date on other printables, products for dog lovers and our community that supports dog rescue.
To creativity and for the love of dogs,

Your friends at Happy Dog Island